Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Approve / Disapprove Street Art

MOCA-latte, a private organsiation from Los Angeles are looking to start a debate on street art with their Red Sticker Campaign.

By providing Approved and Disapproved red stickers through their website they're encouraging people to voice their opinion on the art on the streets.

I like how the stickers themselves become a form of street art - acting as a guerilla or analogue version of the facebook like's we're so used to seeing on the web and giving a sense of interactivity to such a static medium as street art.

Then it got me thinking, what if these stickers were used on print and outdoor advertising? Consumers are used to commenting on TV ads through youtube, and interactive sites and ads through social media and likes, but print, especially outdoor has remained somewhat immune.

What if people on the street downloaded these stickers and Approved or Disapproved an outdoor campaign? And what if a brand embraced it as part of a
campaign and let people crit their work?

Image and info via PSFK

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