Friday, March 11, 2011

This With This: Shameless Self-Promotion Pt 1

We learned a lot from Ed's Digital Bootcamp and many questions were raised. (We also got a lot of pizza.) During one of meetings a pizza brandishing chicken was exposed and resulted in out-cries of both joy and horror.  Does chicken belong on pizza? Some people agreed, some did not. So, to settle it once and for all, we built a site that uses facebook's "like" button to allow people to vote on this very important issue.

The site proved pretty popular so we will be expanding it over the next few weeks to answer some other very important questions such as: Does Tv belong in the bedroom?

If you haven't voted please do, and you can follow us and suggest questions on Twitter.

Thanks to Niall, Adrian, Conor, Darragh, Ronan and Google.

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