Friday, March 18, 2011

The Future of Foursquare: Is There One?

This video was shot by Mashable at this years SXSW festival. I've been skeptical for some time now about Foursquare and it's future, and I know others share my skepticism. I clicked on this link interested in seeing exactly what Foursquare had in mind for it's future, and to be honest I'm still unsure.

When Pete Cashmore of Mashable asks Crowley what the unique selling position of Foursquare is his answer is far from convincing, saying that scale is what's on his side. Considering facebook has a user base of over half a billion people and they launched their own check-in service "Places" last year it just doesn't seem that unique to me.

He mentions how Foursquare could be used to encourage people to go to the gym or visit a museum. These are interesting applications indeed, but if the only reward for checking-in at a gym is a virtual badge will people be bothered? Gaming mechanics are interesting, but when they're confined to the virtual world do they work? If a check-in at the gym was rewarded with money off membership, virtual currency for e-commerce sites, or exclusive offers it suddenly becomes a lot more appealing. If this is what Foursquare intend then great I think there is a future there for them, but as facebook begins to introduce facebook credits globally my prediction for their future is bleak.

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