Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Digital Foosball

Created by German ad agency SinnerSchrader, digital Foosball uses some nifty soft and hardware to turn the analog game into a digital one. All is explained by the rather annoying voice over in the video and the software is can be downloaded for free here.

It's great to see they have respected the "rules" of open source technologies such as processing and arduino (the coding language and hardware used in the project) and made their code available to download for free. This project is about spreading a platform and an idea. The focus is not profit, it's ideas. As a promotional vehicle for an ad agency this sends out the message that ideas are more important than profit, and that they can conceive, build, and promote their own "non-traditional" product. I predict they'll get a nice chunk of new business from this project.

Thanks to Ed for the link.

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